Freedom Reins Program For Veterans

LogoFreedom Reins is a type of group therapy for veterans.

Participants partner with horses to improve their mental health. 

Group meets weekly for ten weeks. 



To register contact Vinceremos at

561 792 9900



                     What is EAP?

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) 

New research shows that equine therapy, a treatment method that uses the connection between humans and horses, enhances emotional healing. This type of therapy can jump-start that process for veterans who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Through horse-human interaction, veterans can regain the ability to recognize their feelings, regulate emotions, and better communicate, as well as build trust with others and come to trust themselves again—all valuable to succeed with family, work, and social relationships,” 

Treating the effects of trauma is never easy. In military culture, the challenge is even greater. The special demands placed on our service members and their families can lead to sometimes tragic consequences: PTSD, depression, divorce, drug and alcohol addiction, trauma and suicide.  PTSD is a disorder that can be debilitating and often overlooked. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, and detachment substance abuse.

Vinceremos has created a unique and engaging program for those struggling with PTSD. This curriculum focuses on increasing awareness to triggers, symptom management and re-engaging trust in others. Outcomes for participants who complete the program include an increase in self-confidence and self-worth. 

Tired of therapy? Veterans deserve our most effective healing solutions. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy often works where traditional methods of treatment fail. In this experiential program participants and their equine partners begin to understand and recognize patterns, build on personal strengths and translate emotional insights into life-changing actions.

The horse's reactions provide unbiased and real-time feedback to help work through emotional barriers without shame or stigma. The program re-creates situations they face in life including managing stress and forming and maintaining relationships. The participants identify and build their resiliency skills and learn through self-discovery how to be more successful in life. With the completion of tasks and engagement with others, self-esteem and self-worth are increased. The program allows for powerful emotional breakthroughs, strengthened resiliency skills, and an opportunity to connect to others and develop a larger support system.

"What I’ve learned about myself is that it is ok to live life in the moment and without fear. Before I came here, I lived in a lot of fear and had racing thoughts 24/7. Through this program I have learned to turn a lot of my negative thoughts into gratitude and positive thoughts. I have gained my life back because of this program."

"I have learned that I am too goal oriented and I forget to enjoy the present moment. I have realized that I should have boundaries but not walls. I am more aware of how others are feeling by picking up on their nonverbal cues, being respectful of other’s boundaries and understanding how things make others feel. I have become more compassionate, more trusting, less stressed, and open to others."

"This program has helped me learn that I am in control. I am sleeping better, I can think more clearly and appreciate the beauty in life. I can think about tomorrow and look forward to it, something that has been very difficult for me post-combat. I feel at peace with myself."

"Because of this program I am a lot more calm and aware of things around me, it has lowered my anxiety tremendously, and finding my safe place. I’ve learned to focus on what emotions I’m really feeling instead of always carrying it out with anger. I’ve gained confidence, patience and have learned to trust the process."

"My confidence level and self-esteem really went up due to the interaction with the horses and forming that camaraderie with the group. I have really learned a lot about myself."